Privacy Policy



This privacy policy (the "Privacy Policy") applies The Mandala Time Mobile App (the "Mobile App"). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to disclose to you what information we may collect, how we may collect it, with whom we may share it, and certain other matters related to such information, including the choices you have regarding our collection of information and our use and disclosure to other parties of information we may have collected from you.

The Mobile App is operated byMandala Time. We have contracted with third parties, including, without limitation, cloud, hosting and marketing services providers to operate certain aspects of the data collected via the Mobile App on our behalf.

We own the information collected via the Mobile App and we may use it for our own purposes, including marketing. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to information collected via this Mobile App; it does not apply to any other information collected or obtained through other means or information collected by third-parties.

When this Privacy Policy uses the term "personally identifiable information" or "personal information," we mean information that identifies a particular individual, such as your full name, street address or email address. When other information, such as a quantitative health metric, is associated with personal information, it also becomes personally identifiable information for the purposes of this privacy policy.

   What Information Is Collected

   How Do We Collect Information

   How Is your Information Used

   Shared Information

   Links To Third-party Mobile Apps

   Information Security

   Data Retention Periods

   Other Social Media Sites, Blogs, Message Boards

   General Audience Web Site Not Directed Toward Children

   Consent to Privacy Policy

   Access to Personal Information

   Your California Privacy Rights

   Changes andQuestions About This Privacy Policy


1. What Information Is Collected

The following are the types of information we may collect:

Personal Information means information that allows someone to identify or contact you, including, for example, your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, as well as any other non-public information about you that is associated with or linked to any of the foregoing data.  MANDALA TIME may collect Personal Information like name, telephone number, email address, date of birth, or home mailing address, and details regarding your mode payment, e.g., credit/debit card or account information of, when you access certain areas of the Mobile App that require registration or payment for products and services, or if you require more information about those services.

Non-Personal Information

Anonymous Information means information that is not associated with or linked to your Personal Data; Anonymous Data does not, by itself, permit the identification of individual persons.  We collect Anonymous Information, as described below.

The Mobile App may collect certain information automatically, such as the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device’s unique device ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browsers you use, and information about the way you use the Mobile App. The Mobile App may also collect precise information about the location of your mobile device. We may also use Cookies and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (“URL(s)”) to gather information regarding the date and time that the Mobile App is in use. MANDALA TIME automatically gathers the Personal Information and Anonymous Information described above (“Automatically Collected Data”) and stores it in log files each time you use the Mobile App.

Further, our online service providers or business partners may implement technologies that allow for the collection of similar information over time and across Mobile Apps. We recommend that you review each privacy policy posted on the Mobile Apps that you use to better understand privacy practices on those Mobile Apps.

Electronic Communications

The Mobile App may be configured to accept electronic notifications; we may log and store such information. We may also keep records of various communications regarding the types of products and services that you use while engaged with the Mobile App. You will always have the option to opt out of such communications via the Mobile Apps settings. 

2. How Do We Collect Information 

We may collect information from you in several different areas on the Mobile App, including, without limitation, those described below:


You may be asked to complete a registration form and provide personally identifiable information; you may also be asked to choose a user ID and password in order to take advantage of certain features the Mobile App or digital messaging services, such as newsletters. Your decision to register is voluntary and you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not to disclose information to us and what communications you would like to receive; however, please be advised that many products and services available on the Mobile App require registration and if you elect not to provide such information, you will not be able to take advantage of those products and services.

Cookies and Tracking Technology

We may use any number of tools to collect information about you, your device access points, and the mobile browser that you use to connect to our websites. For example, “cookies” are tiny text files that we place on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our websites. We may use cookies to personalize your experience. You do not have to accept our cookies and you may delete them after they have been placed on your hard drive. If you do not accept or delete our cookies, some areas of our website that you access may take more time to work, or may not function properly.  For more information about cookies, visit:

Our Online service providers (defined below) may also use other technologies to analyze your use of the Mobile App.  The technologies may include analytic solutions similar to, web “beacons,” “pixel tags,” and “clear gifs.” These technologies help us ascertain the effectiveness of our product and service campaigns and marketing programs, allow us to customize the services offered on or through the Mobile App. Some of this information, including the IP address and device information, may be stored on our online service provider’s server logs, and may be available for extended periods of time.

Transaction Information

If you conduct a financial or other transaction with the Mobile App, such as subscribe to a Subscription Product or other products/services offered on the Mobile App, we will ask you to complete an order form that will request certain information from you, including contact information, demographic information and/or financial information. In some instances, we may direct you to a third party vendor site to collect this information from you directly. Even though the collection form may have the look and feel of the Mobile App, please be aware you will be giving your information directly to the third party vendor, and that in some instances such third party vendor's privacy policy will govern the collection of your personal information. Please reference the privacy policies available from these pages for any privacy related concerns.

3. How Is your Information Used

MANDALA TIME and uses the services of independent companies to provide certain services to you, including, without limitation, Mobile App hosting services, credit and debit card processing, order fulfilment, context and sweepstakes processing, and Internet connectivity services (“online service providers”). 

We and/or our vendor will use this information to complete the financial or other transaction that you have requested, i.e. to deliver the information, products or other services that you request or purchase, to invoice you, and in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy. For your protection, financial information is collected and stored through encrypted means.

We may use your personal information to contact you via mail, email, text message, or telephone in order to give you updates about our special events, new services, winner confirmations, or other promotions that may be of interest to you. We also use return e-mail addresses to answer the e-mail we receive from you. We may also use your IP address or device information to help protect us and our online service providers from fraud.

Additional uses of your non-personal and personal information will allow us to analyze your information. In turn, this information may be used to tailor products and services specific to your needs, to help organize and manage customer relationships and our business, to conduct business, to provide you with customer and member support, to perform functions that are described to you at the time of collection, and to enforce our Terms and Conditions of Use.   

We may also use non-personal aggregate information to improve the Mobile App. For example, our online service providers may report to us that there were a particular number of users on certain areas of the Mobile App or that a certain number of men or a certain number of women completed our registration form in particular areas of the Mobile App.  Such information may also be used to analyze the effectiveness of our business and advertising models.

4. Shared Information

We may share your Personal Information with the online service providers as appropriate. We may share some or all of your Personal Information with our parent company, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under a common control (“Affiliates”). We require our Affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy.  We may also share personally identifiable information with outside, non-affiliated third parties that offer products and services that are complementary to our product lines.  We may also disclose your personal information as is necessary to: (a) comply with a subpoena or court order; (b) cooperate with law enforcement or other government agency; (c) establish or exercise our legal rights; (d) protect the property or safety of our company and employees, contractors, vendors, and suppliers; (e) defend against legal claims; (f) help with internal and external investigations; or (g) as otherwise required by law or permitted by law. We may disclose your information in connection with the sale or merger of MANDALA TIME or any transaction that involves the sale or assignment of some or all of our assets. 

Third-party ad serving and audience and traffic measurement services: We may use a third-party network advertiser to serve the advertisements on the Mobile App or may use a traffic measurement service to analyze the traffic on the Mobile App. Network advertisers are third parties that display advertisements based on your visits to this Mobile App and other Mobile Apps you have visited. Third-party ad serving enables us to target advertisements to you for products or Mobile Apps you might be interested in. Audience and traffic measurement services allow us to collect anonymous traffic and behavior information from the Mobile App by monitoring anonymous visitor activity. Although advertisers or other companies do not have access to the Mobile App cookies, the Mobile App's advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may themselves set and access their own cookies on your computer if you choose to have your cookies enabled in your browser. 

5. Links To Third-party Mobile Apps

This Mobile App may allow you to directly access digital platforms that are operated by third parties, including, without limitation, social networks, our service providers (such as third-party shopping cart service provider) or marketing providers. Some of these third-party marketing channels may be “co-branded” with our logo; even so, these third-party channels are not operated, controlled or maintained by MANDALA TIME.  These channels or links are provided for your convenience only and should be used with your discretion and prudent judgment. Links from our Mobile App to third-party digital platforms do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the content, policies or practices of such third-party Mobile Apps. The collection and use of your information by such co-branding third parties is the responsibility of the co-branding partner. We are not responsible for any information these Mobile Apps or digital channels may obtain and we do not oversee their policies or practices. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information provided to or gathered by the third parties that operate them.  The privacy policies of these third-party digital platforms will differ from ours.  Please review the privacy policy on third-party channels before submitting information, because we do not have control over the use of information collected on these digital platforms.  Please review the privacy policies and practices of these digital channels before providing any personal information.

6. Information Security

MANDALA TIME makes reasonable efforts to ensure that our online service providers have implemented physical, electronic, and procedural security measures to assist with safeguarding your personal information, and to help protect against unauthorized access and disclosure. Only our authorized personnel and our online service providers who perform legitimate business functions for MANDALA TIME are authorized to access your personal information. 

Notwithstanding our efforts, online services have inherent security risks. MANDALA TIME cannot promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information, personal searches, and other communications will always remain secure. You should take care with regard to how you handle and disclose your personal information or any username or password that you are required to use to access services on this Site or online service.

7. Data Retention Periods

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

8. Other Social Media Sites

The Mobile App may collect personal and/or anonymous data about you from social networking platforms in accordance with the terms of use and privacy policy of the third party provider of such social networking site, if you log on with your login credentials from the social networking platforms. We may add this information to the information we have already collected from you. We cannot ensure the security of any information you choose to make public on social networking platforms. Also, we cannot ensure that parties who have access to such publicly available information will respect your privacy. Please exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information in these areas.

9. General Audience Web Site Not Directed Toward Children

This Mobile App is a general audience service. Our content is neither directed toward minors nor children who are under the age of 13.  We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If MANDALA TIME or our online service providers become aware that a minor or a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information without the parental consent, that information will be deleted from our databases.  Parents who have questions about personal information that may have been submitted by a child under the age of 13 should email us at

10. Consent to Privacy Policy

By using the Mobile App, you signify your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time.  If we make a material change to the way in which we collect, use, and/or share your personal information, we will post a notice on the Mobile App and/or send an email to users who have provided an email address. We will assume that you have given your permission for your information to be used under the terms of the Privacy Policy, as modified, if you do not respond to our email within thirty days or continue to use the Mobile App thirty days after a notice is posted. Please note that you should always update your personal information to provide us with a current email address.

11. Access to Personal Information and Consent to Transfer

For those Mobile App users located outside the United States, we advise you that your information may at times be accessible by individuals who are located worldwide including in countries that the European Commission or other geopolitical regions have not been determined to provide the same level of data protection as in your country, province, territory or geopolitical region. By providing us with your Personal Information, you are consenting to our use of it in accordance with MANDALA TIME’s privacy policy, including the transfer of your information across international boundaries to jurisdictions anywhere in the world as permitted by local law. MANDALA TIME will always endeavor to adhere to the principles stated in this Privacy Policy and will comply with U.S. law in connection with any information collected through the Mobile App.

12. Your California Privacy Rights

MANDALA TIME will not share any personal information about you with outside third-parties for their direct marketing purposes to the extent prohibited by California law, unless you agree otherwise as authorized by your prior written consent.

California residents have the right to request information from MANDALA TIME regarding the manner that we may share personal information with affiliated companies and third parties for their direct marketing purposes.  To find out what and how we share such information, you may send us an e-mail request at

13. Changes and Questions About This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to revision. We will notify you by sending you an e-mail to the last e-mail address you provided to us and/or by prominently posting notice of the changes on Mobile App and/or deploying an alert within the Mobile App.  Changes will be effective immediately for new users of our Service, and after 30 days for current users.  In any event, changes to this Privacy Policy may affect our use of Personal Information that you provided us prior to our notification to you of the changes.  If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your Personal Information, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us.  Continued use of our Applications, following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement and consent to such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the privacy practices of this Mobile App, please contact us by email at